About Wetterfee

Life is too short to spend time on insignificant daily routine. Fill your life with experiences that you will remember at the end of your days. They will carry you through the storms of hard times.

Live your passion!

This website is designed by me, Lisa Brunnbauer. I received the nickname Weather Fairy from my work colleagues. It represents my interests and passions. I want to encourage people to live their dreams.

About me:

Long story short:

Diploma meteorologist with passion for weather, cycling and mountains

Nutritionist for athletes (state certified) – final thesis “Preparation for the Ötztaler Radmarathon”

Certificate (state certified): Communication and Coaching

Activities and professional experience:

Presenter and speaker: events, radio, TV and online events.

Meteorological (policy) consulting: weather forecasting, climate, disaster management

Public relations: radio, TV, newspapers, social media

(Science) journalist: interviewer and editor

Research associate: agro-meteorological research

Nutritional consulting

Inquiries and contact here

German Weather Service


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