Socken mit höchster Qualität aus PROLEN®YARN
- extrem langlebig mit hoher Abriebfestigkeit
- trocken unter extremen Bedingungen
- antibakteriell
- sehr leicht für mehr Komfort und Bewegungsfreiheit
- geruchsneutral
- Ökotex Standard 100 zertifiziert
- umweltfreundlich mit geringstem Wasser- und Energieverbrauch zur Herstellung
- EU-Produktion
- keine Pestizide oder giftige Farbstoffe eingesetzt
- PROLEN®YARN ist nachhaltig und zu 100 % recycelbar
- Farbstoffe von PROLEN®YARN gehen nicht auf die Haut über
- PROLEN®YARN ist besonders für den medizinischen Bereich geeignet
- PROLEN®YARN erfüllt die strengen Anforderungen für die Herstellung von Babykleidung
Größen: S:35-38 M:39-42 L:43-46
verfügbare Farben: schwarz, weiß, pink
Highest quality socks made from PROLEN®YARN – light, dry, durable
The Push Harder socks are made of the highest quality polypropylene multifilament in the EU. Thanks to the special manufacturing process, the material keeps the feet dry and odourless even under extreme conditions. The socks are also enormously durable and abrasion-resistant. They offer comfort and freedom of movement with additional support for circulation. PROLEN®YARN meets the strict requirements for the production of baby clothing and is also used in the medical sector. The PushHarder socks are characterised by their environmentally friendly production and are certified Ökotex Standard 100.
For questions message Lisa Brunnbauer
- Extremely durable with high abrasion resistance
- dry under extreme conditions
- antibacterial
- very light for more comfort and freedom of movement
- odourless
- Ökotex Standard 100 certified
- environmentally friendly with lowest water and energy consumption for production
- EU production
- no pesticides or toxic dyes used
- PROLEN®YARN is 100% recyclable
- dyes from PROLEN®YARN do not transfer to the skin
- PROLEN®YARN is particularly suitable for the medical sector
- PROLEN®YARN meets the strict requirements for the production of baby clothes
Size selection: if unsure between two sizes, it is best to choose the next size up.
Size: S:35-38 M:39-42 L:43-46
Colors: black, white, pink